
  Moms on Macs!

    I’m continually fascinated with the many contributions and the unique insights that seniors add to our daily lives. In the three years since my 84-year old mother  got her first computer, a Macintosh, she is a changed person. She’s become excited again, she has new interests and she's become a full-fledged member of the Information Society. It’s my contention that the individualized contact that personal computers and modern communications make possible will stimulate, motivate and permit the shut-ins, the elderly and those who are physically challenged to keep contributing even longer to a society that needs their wisdom, their stability and their values now more than ever before in our history.

When my Mom asked me recently,
"Why didn’t we do this years ago?"

My answer was simple,
"The technology just wasn’t easily  available to us then;now it is."

 - Bob Magnant